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JP Vitale

Our Ultrapurified Vitamin D3 is just what it says: "ultrapurified".

There are no contaminants, and the Vitamin D3 is ultra pure from natural sources.

Our D3 Ultrapure is entirely manufactured in North America from an entirely North American Supply Chain.

This Vitamin D3 product is available as a fine powder in small, easy-to-swallow capsules that can just as easily be pulled open to sprinkle the Vitamin D3 onto ice cream, apple sauce or any other food.  It has no taste at all and rapidly disappears into any food upon which it is sprinkled.

Premium Multivitamin Mineral Supplement

100 caps/Bottle of Ultrapurified Pure Vitamin D3

A trustworthy source of high quality vitamins and minerals with very few “non-medicinal ingredients”. The capsules are small, smooth and very easy to swallow. This is a very “high end” Multivitamin/Mineral nutritional supplement. The formulation was then submitted for intense scrutiny to the Canadian Natural Health Products Directorate (CNPD), which is the Canadian equivalent of the FDA. Between this organization and the FDA, JP Vitale has been approved by a Government Licensing Process that has the strictest standards in the world for the licensing and review of Natural Health Products.

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The deficiencies these Vitamins benefit have been associated with the following conditions…

  • Biotin (dermatitis, depression, hair loss, anemia, and nausea)

  •  Chromium (Diabetes)

  •  Lutein (Eczema, Heart Disease, Breast Cancer)

  •  Lycopene (Prostate Cancer)

  •  Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) (Anemia, Depression, Hair Loss)

  • Vitamin C (Heart Disease, Hypertension)

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